Lord Jesus Christ's last commandment given to His disciples was to "love one another as I have loved you"

As a Christian born in the only Christian country in Southeast Asia, I came to a point of realization since 1988 when I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. It was then that I began questioning the relevance of the fraternity system and its culture, proven to be violent all these years, to the development of man in particular and the Filipino people in general. With a despicably awful track record of deaths due to hazing and fraternity wars, it is therefore important for men, especially my countrymen, to find time and reflect on the relevance of this brotherhood system especially in relation to their coexistence with other sectors of society and to their spirituality.

I dedicate this blog to the victims of all these mess all these years, to all the people especially the love ones of the victims affected by it and to all fratmen who honestly and sincerely desire for genuine change.

This is a challenge to all fratmen. If you so desire to be real men let's therefore face the real problem squarely and act to find the real remedy to it. And since the reasons behind all these conflicts is hatred, it is therefore right to start forgiving because after all most of us are Christians and because it is the right thing to do.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Why an oasis?

People are probably wondering why I have chosen the title A Fratman's Oasis for this blog. The reason is this:

Fraternities, especially the ones that are very influential because their alumni are now in power, are giving their members a false sense of abundance in material wealth and connections. A powerful bond, just like the Skull and Bones in the US, of people in top positions makes the worldly material man feel very secured all his lifetime.

This false feeling of security, power and abundance is like a happy, contented walk in a park where all the fruit trees around bear a lot of fruit as he touches them and no one in his tribe feels hungry.

But, even as the world's geniuses and scientists agree or disagree, this world we are living in did not exist without Someone so supreme and all-powerful - our God the Father Almighty. He knows the hearts of men.

The New Commandment that Lord Jesus Christ gave to His disciples to "love one another as I have loved you" is strongly connected to the Two Commandments that He earlier gave them. And these Two Commandments are a summary of the Ten Commandments given to Moses in the Old Testament. The links between these 13 Commandments are not broken.

What I'm trying to say is, that walk in the park could someday, for sure, turn out to be a walk in a vast and desolate desert once man will fall and face his doom as he realized that the temporal and forced sense of security, power and abundance he enjoyed has created an imbalance around him and caused a multitude of people to suffer.

As a group of men become too powerful to feel as if they control the whole world and thus become the heartless masters of their fellowmen, they will be warned by God the Father Almighty through His messengers, to listen to His Words, examine their conscience and repent.

Abraham was warned by the messengers of God the Father Almighty and was instructed to save his cousin Lot from the sure destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. But the people of these two places were bound to face their doom!

In our country, as fraternities become so stubborn and callous to the cries of the oppressed and the affected and those who fell victims of these collective stupidity, a kind of Sodom and Gomorrah destruction will come silently into each member fratman or sorority woman who supports this culture of violence once they will not heed the cries of the people for justice, peace and love.

A lot of the affected family and friends of all the victims of frat related violence of all kinds are helplessly crying for justice. God the Father Almighty, the all-seeing and all-knowing God and Supreme Creator. knows and will hear their cries if the stubborn continues to be callous.

I am now living in a place where skyscrapers are towering like the Tower of Babel. But one wealthy billionaire owner of one new magnificent tower just died of cancer. It only shows that money can't buy anything. No! Not even the soul for a sure trip to heaven!

One seminarian during our primary school days taught us a song:

"if religion were a thing that money could buy,
The rich would live
and the poor will die..."

Yeah, religion could be bought... as there are those who even start a new sect to become wealthy. The rich obviously could afford the most beautiful and lavishly decorated statue of any saint to venerate and express their religiosity by just commissioning a struggling artist to do one for them and let the gay decorators to enhance these hand graven idols' look. The poor cannot afford that!

But spiritual enlightenment is not even earned but received as a grace and blessing from God the Father Almighty through His Holy Spirit where the pure of heart and the humble are free to receive this. The poor, and even the rich, are welcome to accept this.

For the poor who has accepted the heavenly wealth, material poverty is a gift because he knows that he has gained an infinite gift of spiritual enlightenment and he will not go hungry because even our master Lord Jesus Christ was poor and was born in a lowly manger.

The humble rich, on the other hand, will sell his property and give to the poor because he too knows that he will have his share of the same infinite wealth as the poor who just received it. In this situation a certain balance is achieved because the heart of the rich and the poor have finally reached a level of equality in the eyes of God the Father Almighty. And they will become real brothers in His eternal family.

A fratman belonging to the violent and abusive fraternity will surely one day face his destruction that will come in many forms and will haunt his conscience. This will come silently, and not even to the knowledge of his frat brothers, for they will be haunted one by one and not even their power, connections and wealth can stop that.

There is one strong reason why they will be haunted and that is by using the name God (if they refer to God the Almighty Father) in vain because their violent actions and their evil fruits contradict the frat code of "for God, for country, for fraternity" and most of all because the True, Eternal and Living God the Father Almighty hates evil of all kinds!

Is the word God in these fraternities' codes only a mere decoration? Or is it with a small "g"? Satan too is a god and he is a murderer! Clearly this evil entity has shown his fangs deeply buried in those fraternities because their evil fruits are so obvious!

This oasis will serve to awaken fratmen from their deep slumber of callousness and apathy to the cries of the nation and will give them life-giving water after that long and weary voyage in the desert of spiritual blindness and ignorance. Upon reaching this point, they will have time to reflect and look at the kind of life that they have lived all those years and, after a process of realization through one's unique humbling experience that will draw one's heart and mind closer to God the Father Almighty, the life traveler will once again continue his journey well-equipped to endure till the end as a faithful servant of God the Father Almighty to help others resist their own evils.

If you really believe in God the Father Almighty, the God of Abraham and of the Jews and Christians alike... and if you really love your frat brothers, help them get out of that dark quagmire and spare yourselves from its sure doom!

For several years I have sent emails to my frat brothers. I am inspired by God the Father Almighty to do so. It appears that they have finally listened because for several years now our fraternity has no rumbles. I told them several times to avoid it and concentrate on their studies, be spiritually enlightened and be ready to serve the nation in truth, sincerity, integrity and honesty. And most of all I want to abolish hazing because the real initiation and passage to manhood is to bravely avoid all forms of temptations from the evil one.

God the Father Almighty loves us. But His kind of love is not happy with evil. Then we better change and be spiritually enlightened to avoid His wrath!

It is written, "You must never give sacred things to dogs, or cast your jewels before pigs, for they will trample them in the mud and turn on you and tear you apart."

I do hope people will be tired of being just merely pigs and dogs.

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